Thursday 1 December 2011



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Today is the 'World AIDS Day'It has been inaugerated with great fanfare in Australia.Are we seriously doing something to eradicate it?What are the results of many decades of NGOs funding worldwide??The figure to be outed soon will certify that this menace is spreading with more vigor and taking more lives,producing more helpless children and soaking more money in vain.
unproductively is what we have as a result.
I had heard horror stories of the French Disease(Syphalisis) and many other common like Ganhorea as the rapidly spreading Sexually transmitted ones.Some medicines were found and the then mutating viruses & bacteria were treated with success.But decades of researches after spending billion of dollars have failed to make any difference.We found many nutations of AIDS.
The big question remains unanswered,What should be done???
We are talking about anal sex,oral sex,fantasy sex and always breaking new grounds to discover our ever unsatisfying urge to achieve the momentary satisfaction.Nowhere in the animal or other form of living species,this sort of behavior is seen.They intercourse at a certain season.That is natural.Their urge in some cases like a spider specie is that the mail spider dies after performing his act of propagating it's offspring into the next generation.Only one other specie,The Dolphins,have been reported to enter into a sexual relation dor only pleasure.
We must look at the age old Hindu Philosophy for the answer.Our Civilization has never spoken against deriving shear pleasure out of this act.Rather we are the only country where many Mandirs have wall carvings of ultra erotic quality.We have a world famous book,Kamasutra, narating the various aspects of sexual intercourse.Explicit diagrams have been illustrated in that book.Polygamy and multy-partner cojugations have been narrated.Indian Kings & emperors had many wives,some for their beauty and the others for a srtetigic alliances.
Brothels existed in many small towns and cities alover India.Some very sacred places of worship,like The Temple Of Somnath,had Devadasi,primarily to please god and Dieties.But there is no instance of any sexual epidmy like that was in Eorope.The Eoropeans took this disease to the American Indians.To all those continents which became their colonies.Africa was the most sufferer
Now they say that it is a mutation from Apes and Human!what a laughing arguments.The under developed world had never had so much of love to let the dods & cats sleep in their beds.The cold european countries had a tradition of sleeping with their pets to derive warmth.Richest community could afford to have Monkeys.
The old develop civilizations like Egypt and India were very particular to keep a distance from the animals.Some instances in the modern times of unnatural sex, from sex maniacs have been reported here also,but the law of the land deals it with a stiff penalty and rigerous imprisonment.
When Islam Religion came into existence around 700AD,a very simplistic solution was mooted.The Muslim warriors ,because of their better horses,compelling geographical situation,to convert maximum numbers of human to Islam,their plight to have as big a family as possible and as a reward to the conquering soldiers,had access to many beautiful young ladies.This led to harems,rapes and many such unsocial attitudes among them.Therefore a decree was made that none of the Muslims are permitted to have more than 4 wives.The seperation was monitized via 'Mehar'.The marrige among the blood relatives were also permitted.One of my Muslim friend informed me that it is possible to marry one's own sister born to the same parents;the only binding was that one them must not have sucked milk from their own mother.The other lady must have nurrished the child from the moment it is born.The ill effects are more than visible.
Now the Hindu vaidic Religion and those religions which off-shooted from it in the Indian sub-Continents have very strictly forbidden such marriages.Even if either of the prospecting couples are having the same(Gotra), ancesters,a minimum of 7 generation's gap is, what is permissible. This eliminates the possiblity of genetic diseases and unhealthy off-springs.
Further,polygamy or any sexual pre-marrige intimate relationship is regarded shameful.
The Hindu society had laid down strict laws to prohibit any marriage in blood relations.The life span of 100 years was devided in four periods.First 25 years only studies and absolutely no sex,not even in dreams.Second 25 years were for married life and productivity in a strictly monogamous way.Third 25 years were for gradual detachment from the worldly infatuations and smooth transfer of power to the nexe deneration.The last 25 years were for 'Sanyas' praying,sharing experience through discussions,giving back to the society and preparing for the journey aboad.