Tuesday 30 October 2012

I have read many  books,interacted with almost all of my 10,000 friends in Facebook and 2500 on G+ contacts and books to be able to further clarify this topic in more details.Namely;
1-Role of Females in this aspect.
2-Advises ofAdvises many religious books and spiritual tteachers
3-My personal experience.

1-Human females :They have exploited this power to the maximum advantage and ultimately put the entire burden on men,may be it could be correct to a very small extent,but nobody can firce them to do all such postures and gestures by intimidation.They are the willing partners in this high money spinning game,requiring the minimum of capital investment or technology.

2-Advises-While many Religious faiths have advised to have restraints in sexual conjugation,almost all heads have exploited their descaples to gratify them under some pretext or the other.

3-I have had my personal sexual encounters with almost all types of races nationalities and cultural or social backgrounds'

I shall like to dwell upon this lengthy aspect of my first hand experience in details in the coming chapters.