Sunday 22 June 2014


A question was posed to a Guru:"I am a spiritual person,but these daysI am so desperate and confused that I want to denounce the world.However,I can't run away from my responsibilities and I am a very ambitious person.These contradicting thoughts are stressing me.Please help me."
The answer as given the guru is""
"You are feeling a strong separation between the inner & outer parts of your life.The separation doesn't end by choosing one over the other.To be detached and still seeking rich and powerful life is creating the separation.
Thats why Indic spiritual  tradition has always about unity,which means seeing beyond duality,healing separation and finding peace in the Being that holds every aspects of existence together.
Yes Yoga ,the teaching of unity,advises us to choose KARMA,action,BHAKTI,devotion of jnana. right path.
If we gather a thousand seekers and ask for their story,they will present a jumble,seemingly nothing in common,except that they want the big prize-ENLIGHTENMENT.
One of my estranged girl friend wrote on her Facebook wall
"Great.Now that I Have Your Attention,Your Govt. Is Currently Destroying Your Life.Future & Prosperity While You Are Focussing On Sex And Basket Ball."
The Roman govt. distracted it's citizens with bread & circuses.We have our own version of bread & circuses.
President Thomas Jefferson once  said "INFORMATION IS THE CURRENCY OF DEMOCRACY"
'If that were curet we are bankrupt.'
This picture quotation was lifted from "THE  MIND  UNLEASHED"
This may be correct sofa as USA,Europe and South America is concerned.
When we look at Indic culture and the incidences described in our scriptures,we can see that the truth in Asia of pre-Islamic era was never so.
Yes,of course,as the western life style invades our region both the influences are visible side by side in our society.
The paradox is that where veil is plied by religion,Islamic fundamentalist are forcing women to sex slavery and the western Christian influences are subjecting women as a saleable commodity.On each and every advertisements,there is a half naked or a beautiful girl in suggestive gestures.
Immatured minds try to copy the western style,whereas the orthodox try to hide themselves under a veil.

Rakesh Chaurasia - The Romance of the Bansuri

flute hariprasad chaurasia raga Krishnadhwani Raga Kaunsi Kanhra

Aaj Toh Anand - Pt. Jasraj & Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia