Saturday 23 April 2011


Why sex is treated as a bad interest in the society,particularly,when marriage has not taken place?There are increasing numbers of live-in relationships which are so fragile that a small tension can break it.There is no instance in the conscious living creatures on earth who involve with the opposit sex only for pleasure.It has been recently been reported that perhaps Dolphins do this as well.They are also the most intelligent animals,may be it's because of this fact.
To my mind the explaination given by Osho is not correct.He made a point to explain and justify that sex is a means to attain sublime pleasure and leads to the peace of mind and body,as the worship to the god does.
Let us take a model where every indivisual is free to choose her or his partner and becomes free to intercourse with that partner without any obligation,what a chaotic situation will arise!
It is seen in the past as well as presently that a sexually transmitted desiese strikes the mankind which potentially capable of destruying the most of our population.We have been fortunate to have found remidies to then and are at the door step of discovering a cure for AIDS.
It is,However,not the solution.It is just a fire fighting measure and potentially producing more resistant strain of new organism,which one day will be out to infect most of us.We shall have to tackle this immense imbedded desire to propagate ourselves in to the next generation.And the Answer lies in The Indian(Sanatan Dharma)code of conduct for this union.It has prooved it's success over centuries,beyond dobt.
My this discourse starts from here..

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