Friday 6 May 2011


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There does exist an underlying desire to propagate one's ownself by triggering harmones release from the brain ;and this is manifested in the uncontrollable urge to enter into a couplation
of opposite sex in the same species.In some spider species it is to the extent that the male sacrifices it's life and becomes a food for the female,who in turn gives birth without leaving her place.
Tuna fishes,tortoys,penguinesRendiers,Whales and many birds travel thousands of Km. to give birth to their offsprings.

Human Specie is the only of it's kind which doer this act mainly for pleasure and in some cases for subjugation.But essentially this desire is also triggered by the bio-chemical reactions.The further complex behavier is the reslt of the intelligence we have posessed over thousands of years of evolution.An element of baberism is also evident in this behavior of our male specie.The complexity and the responsiblity involved in being a parent often binds them to the family,but time and again their attraction to polygamy and homosexuality is clearly visible.

The mankind has experimented a lot with differant social systems to achieve their this tendency.In the western world it can be observed more clearly.The setting-up of a comune,where all members are jointly and collectively supporting a social unit,and can exchange sexual partners,have miserably failed in the 60's.The freedom to keep on changing partners till they are able to find the most suitable spouse,the breaking of wows at a cost,living in relationships,permission to keep as many wives as one can afford,4 wifes at one time being allowed in Sheriyat,Kings having thousands of wifes and pseudo wives,Women forced into the oldest profession of selling their body for a price,audultry in working place and at home with employees,exploiting the younger females inside a family and friends circle is rampant in the world.

A recent survey has indicated that even in modern times,those males (and females also) are more prone to extra-marital affairs.The concept of monogamy is constantly being eroded in modern times.The certainity of the fatherhood can be easily concluded by DNA tests presently.Its legal acceptance gives it more potency;but even then the conventional muslim World guards their women folk with very strict religious laws.The emphasis on virginity by certain society is very important for women.There is a sect in Arab world,where the first intercourse of the married couple is performed in a seperate tent in the coglomerate and the bridegroom comes out with a blood stained handkerchief to anounce the breaking of virginity by him.In case of a failure the marriage is taken as null and void.The girl's life is doomed for ever.She is declared impure.This has given rise to a thriving medical practice of rebuilding the hymn of the girl.

It is true that some sort of control must be applied on the free sexual behavior on the society.The epidemy of sexually transmitted diseases have cost many lives and inflicted severe pain to the mankind,in way of spread of Syphilis,Ghanorea and other such diseases transmitted through free sex.The Hindus have had made a very potent system of dividing the life span in 4 parts.
1-Brahmcharya: 25 years spent in learning,character building and keeping away from the opposit sex at all cost.The threat, as preached was,a million blood cells make the tissues,again those million tissues make the bone marrow and the million of bone marrow mke one drop of Siemen.Loosing it prematurely will hinder the development of the body and mind.
2-Next 25 yers is called Grihastha Ashram,where one is married and fulfills his obligation to the society and the family by hard and honest work.
3-Next 25 years is called Vanaprastha Ashram,when he gradually recedes his role as the chief bred earner and starts training his next generation for taking over the responsiblity of that family head.
4-Next 25 years are dedicated to spritual submission and transidental meditation and distancing himself from the worldly attachments,a preparation for the final journry abode.There were rewards and penalties specified for the Karma to each indivisual and every commision and ommisions were recorded in the account books of kartikeya,the god.
A orderly society can only function in the way suggested by the great Sanatan Dharma,a true code of conduct followed since a time immemorial,as the meaning is self explainatory.
If we do not give proper emphasis on our sexual conduct,AIDS is looming as the greatest threat to the survival of mankind.Even if some cure is found some new trait will certainly emerge which may not be treateable at all and ultimately wipe-out our specie from the face of the eath for ever.

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