Tuesday 24 May 2011


iGoogle I have varied exposer to sexual encounters right from my childhood.It may be possible that many people might have similar experience,but never come out with the honest and explicit narration.I had also the conducive atmosphere to be able to this exposure in the international society and cultures.The time frame of my this exposure had also been quite long.It was almost 60 years$ still counting.
I would like to classify these in the following broad categories:


1-In India sex is termed as a taboo.May it be in the north,south.east or west.In spite of this this country is the most sexually active one.Any amount of social,legal or moral restrictions are not able to curb this uncontrolled urge of the people of this subcontinent.Too much restrictions give rise to violent eruptions.Even very stiff penalties like life imprisonment is a failure.All kind of perversions are reported.Rape,murder.honor killings,unnatural sexual intercourse,self help,Homosexuality and something unimaginable as a fantasy can be found here.A simple complaint of the effected female can lodge one accused into prison and the onus to prove non guilty is on the male.Even a death penalty is muted to curb this type of violence in India.There appears to be no solutions.Strangely enough those areas where the gender ratio is not so imbalanced,are also not an exceptions.

2-Germany is an example of trial with social permissiveness.It has undergone two world war defeats.It was primarily rebuilt by the women folk after that.It,still remains as a male dominant society and the only Nation which names the country as Father Land.You can find widespread prostitution,Pornographic material,rampant so called live in relationships,commune living,Changing the partners like under garments,Adultary,fatherless children,Nymphomaniac women,Gypsies,Free for all festival called Carnival or Fasching,Artificial sex organ shops and any thing else you can imagine.Fortunately the state provided medical insurance has checked any epidemic like that called French Disease.It is picking up a pebble from the street,if you really want to have a one night stand with a willing partner in any of the Discotheques or bars.
It appears that men never trust their wives even for a couple of night leaving them alone in the homes.There is a provision to pay for the travel of the wife when on tour on official duty.It is so easy to get your marriage registered in Germany,once you produce a certificate from such a country where there is not much hasel involved for a marriage,say Sweden!

3-North America has no culture of itself.It is a melting pot of various civilizations,ethinic diversity,languages and so on and so forth.It is,however dominated by the black population so far as this subject is concerned.You can call them sex machines.They are strong,lengthy organs and long staying power.They are thus preferred as the mating partners by the white females as object of desire.At the same time not accepted to father a child.They can be gigalos or labours as per their past history of Slavery.There is a strong resentment amongst the white men against their this status coupled with the excellence in western rythmic musical capablities.It is really shameful for majority of the white americans to have a semi black President.But he outsmarted the self praising white arrogant Americans by his shear wits.The other Brown and yellow Americans are alredy beating them in all other fields except War machines.Their time is also limited.

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