Thursday 9 June 2011 will be more things which will change during our life time or this century itself.One of this is the relation between Sex and Creativity.Sex act will be for pleasure and health only and the creation may shift to the scientific synthesis.
Their will be Humanoids in each work place and the computer chips will enhance our mental capablities to a level unforecastable.
Your life can be prolonged very much and there wilbe a possiblity to get designer babies.
We might encounter aliens who subjugate us or may destroy or teleport us to a planet less comfortable and more hazardous to live in,than our mother earth.
The plight of efforts to survive will dry out our taste for all abstract goodies,like art,music,love etc. etc.
We the older generation are fortunate to have lived during this transition period and lived a life which showed us both sides in vivid details,pain and pleasure,love and hate,Sin and Pius charcheristics in a real sense of humanity.

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