Monday 9 September 2013


Information & knowledge are available in abundance,but wisdom is rarely seen.Sacred scriptures,be it Bhagwat Gita,Quran or Bible.have always been available in exactly the same form they were revealed in.But why there is then short supply of wisdom today?
Translations are in plenty but interpretation is hard to deliver;because only understanding only can interpret wisdom that is sought to be conveyed through language.
'Aum'is not only a word.It is the sacred sound that defines the divinity,may be the eco of the Big Bang that produced the Universe.So is 'Alif' the first alphabet of Arabic.
What is the single-most important quality of a teacher?That will be compassion among many other things would mean that worthy teachers would never ever think of taking undue or unfair advantage of any of his students.
Todays period is full of such teachers who have mass followings and immense wealth.Even Temples,Waquf Board all over the world.
Please therefore 
Find a teacher who is truly accomplished & has earned people respect without any suspicion.In the beginning skill fully examine the teacher ;in the middle skillfully follow him & in the end skillfully emulate his actions and understand his realization.
Not to examine a teacher is like drinking poison;not to examine the disciple is akin to leaping from a cliff. 

YouTube Mix (playlist)Simply out of this world performance by Maestros of North and South Classical Indian music. Sometimes The Grass Appears Greener... Sometimes The Grass Appears Greener...: Sometimes the grass will appear greener on the other side because it has been fertilized by bullshit!

Ein russischer Sommer - offizieller Trailer deutsch

Monday 2 September 2013


Neither This Or That.
Buddha means the middle way in this context.Neither we are not the same persons like our parents,nor are totally different.We should take time to talk to our fathers and mothers about this.
The fact is that when you get angry with your father,you somewhat become angry with yourself.There is no way to remove our fathers & mothers from our selves.That is why we practice to reconcile with them in us.
You can hear & learn the song
"WateringSeeds of Joy" which helps us to see that we are continuation of our parents & our ancestors.
My mother,my father
they are in me,
And when I look,
I see myself in them.
From:Planting Seeds:Practicing Mindfulness With Children
Plum Village Community.

Untitled list (playlist)