Tuesday 29 July 2014

I sincerely greet all my Muslim Friends a very happy Eid.
I also wish that the second largest religion in the entire world would  condemn the mindless violence mostly being attributed to their end.  I don't believe in excuses or violence started by a third party like USA or Israel or for that matter ISIS chief.
The end result is that innocent civilians who have nothing to do with this mindless genocide are being either killed or incapacitated. I strongly feel that the beginning has to be done from the majority class who are either being targeted or are responding with violence.
How can one believe that war can be ended with another war?
Yesterday was the day in 1914 as the world war 2 started and ended in 1919 on the negotiating table of Versailles forcing Germans to sign a peace treaty which was aimed to maim Germans for generations to come.The result was the rise of Nazi Hitler which broke all records of human life & property losses.Please think,thing Please.9 million people lost life in the first and many times more in 2nd world war.It is really non sustainable event.Do we like another.

Thursday 24 July 2014


I have discussed in the past about sex and Creativity.I have dwelled upon various aspects and dimensions of this subject.May be I would also have glossed over this subject of the present post.I now want to go deeper into this particular aspect of sex and productivity.
At the age of 75 years indic philosophy recommends that one should retire into 'Sanyas Ashram'.In fact sanyas is nothing but retracing one's step from any kind of acts to create money for self or for near and dears.It is directed towards philanthropy and social service.
Having nearly achieved my 72 years of age,I feel myself ready to enter into a cooling off period during these 3 years left to become eligible.
I have identified three fields to work on.viz;
A-Renewable energy sources.
B-Skill based education with practical training in the schools.
C-Public Sanitation and cleaning.
D-Primary health care.
If all the capable people engage themselves to the bare minimum capability we can create wonders.With ageing population all over the world,we are a country with highest numbers of youth and children.
If they are given proper practical based education,they may beat any country.What the need id=s proper guidance and health care.
I as a seeding program taken 5 acres of land in Bihar from my cousins who have all settled in Australia and their land is being misused or grabbed by local mafia.
A middle school; which my retired principal parents started in my own house in Siwan Distt of Bihar has been reconstructed as concrete building with solar electricity.
We now want to create workshops to train those passing out boys and girls into a gainful profession.We are building such an work shop in the village.
Now realising that without electricity no activity worthwhile could be undertaken,so a 1 megawatt solar electricity generation plant has been envisaged in the village..
Sanitation will be done with the Sulabh Sauhalaya and medical center will advise patients to proper hospitals as well as treat them in the village with freely available drugs etc.
I am not creating any NGO,nor expecting any donation for this project;but those who like to join us as persons dedicated to our social activities are warmly welcome.

Sunday 22 June 2014


A question was posed to a Guru:"I am a spiritual person,but these daysI am so desperate and confused that I want to denounce the world.However,I can't run away from my responsibilities and I am a very ambitious person.These contradicting thoughts are stressing me.Please help me."
The answer as given the guru is""
"You are feeling a strong separation between the inner & outer parts of your life.The separation doesn't end by choosing one over the other.To be detached and still seeking rich and powerful life is creating the separation.
Thats why Indic spiritual  tradition has always about unity,which means seeing beyond duality,healing separation and finding peace in the Being that holds every aspects of existence together.
Yes Yoga ,the teaching of unity,advises us to choose KARMA,action,BHAKTI,devotion of jnana. thought.as right path.
If we gather a thousand seekers and ask for their story,they will present a jumble,seemingly nothing in common,except that they want the big prize-ENLIGHTENMENT.
One of my estranged girl friend wrote on her Facebook wall
"Great.Now that I Have Your Attention,Your Govt. Is Currently Destroying Your Life.Future & Prosperity While You Are Focussing On Sex And Basket Ball."
The Roman govt. distracted it's citizens with bread & circuses.We have our own version of bread & circuses.
President Thomas Jefferson once  said "INFORMATION IS THE CURRENCY OF DEMOCRACY"
'If that were curet we are bankrupt.'
This picture quotation was lifted from "THE  MIND  UNLEASHED"
This may be correct sofa as USA,Europe and South America is concerned.
When we look at Indic culture and the incidences described in our scriptures,we can see that the truth in Asia of pre-Islamic era was never so.
Yes,of course,as the western life style invades our region both the influences are visible side by side in our society.
The paradox is that where veil is plied by religion,Islamic fundamentalist are forcing women to sex slavery and the western Christian influences are subjecting women as a saleable commodity.On each and every advertisements,there is a half naked or a beautiful girl in suggestive gestures.
Immatured minds try to copy the western style,whereas the orthodox try to hide themselves under a veil.

Rakesh Chaurasia - The Romance of the Bansuri

flute hariprasad chaurasia raga Krishnadhwani Raga Kaunsi Kanhra

Aaj Toh Anand - Pt. Jasraj & Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia

Saturday 10 May 2014

MERU Concert live - Kaushiki Chakrabarty with Soumik Datta and Vijay Ghate

MERU Concert live - Kaushiki Chakrabarty with Soumik Datta and Vijay Ghate

Santoor-Mohan Veena-Shehnai Trio: Raga Yaman.

Piya Ghar Aaye - Hazrat Amir Khusro - Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan

Kumar Gandharva.Nirguni Bhajan - Bhairavi - Bhoola Man Jaane Amar Meri ...

Kumar Gandharva - Ud Jayega (+प्लेलिस्ट)

Jagjit Singh -- Salaam Karta Chaloon, Huzoor Aapka Bhi Ehtram Karta Chal...

Jagjit Singh -- Salaam Karta Chaloon, Huzoor Aapka Bhi Ehtram Karta Chal...

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Kamasthree (Full Movie)http://youtube.b/eBgku8zow5e.

ORGASMIC SPIRITUAL  JOURNEY To FREEDOM:www.speakingtree.in dated 02.03.2014-page 03.
Orgasmic meditation is designed especially to support new age urban women who wish to get empowered,address their core issues from sexuality to spirituality.It is a transformational journey for women,empowering them to speak with openness & clarity.It is normal that in a collective women space,women acknowledge and honour their feelings.
support the vies of Veena Sahi that by energising their inner strength,wisdom & intuition,they embrace their sexuality,creativity,spirituality & reality.
Women have suffered & lived in frustration,not being able to express themselves freely.So they are unaware of their own vital energy.They have come a long way in understanding their sexuality,if they are not aware of their of not having an orgasm.
Sex is a taboo for most societies and it is not considered sophisticated  to women  to dress their sexual needs.
Collective women energy is very powerful.It will clear their individual confusion and doubts.They will not only engender women's liberation but also create more liberal & sensitive male,creating more natural & loving individuals,families and societies.
When a women can love herself for who she is,all facets of of life routed in her begin to change.
It is the orgasmic experience of bliss that has given the idea in early days of humanity about meditation,about looking for something better,more intense and more vital.
By going beyond conditioned conflicting thoughts,you experience liberation and yet come back home to your deeper self.
If one wishes to see this,one has to go no further than many aboriginal tribal societies and the manifestation of this creativity has well been enshrines in the Ancient Indian Culture,It may be read in the KAMASUTRA  or may be seen in the sculpture of KHAJURAHO Temples.
The exploitation by the so called modern society of the western world has hugely changed the meaning of sexuality.They are after experimenting all types Psychopahtic ways are still tingling with the Physiological aspects.as has recently been reported that women feel two types of orgasm-one at the tip of their clitoris and the other at the bottom of their sexual organ,

Kamasthree (Full Movie)http://youtube.b/eBgku8zow5e.

ORGASMIC SPIRITUAL  JOURNEY To FREEDOM:www.speakingtree.in dated 02.03.2014-page 03.
Orgasmic meditation is designed especially to support new age urban women who wish to get empowered,address their core issues from sexuality to spirituality.It is a transformational journey for women,empowering them to speak with openness & clarity.It is normal that in a collective women space,women acknowledge and honour their feelings.
support the vies of Veena Sahi that by energising their inner strength,wisdom & intuition,they embrace their sexuality,creativity,spirituality & reality.
Women have suffered & lived in frustration,not being able to express themselves freely.So they are unaware of their own vital energy.They have come a long way in understanding their sexuality,if they are not aware of their of not having an orgasm.
Sex is a taboo for most societies and it is not considered sophisticated  to women  to dress their sexual needs.
Collective women energy is very powerful.It will clear their individual confusion and doubts.They will not only engender women's liberation but also create more liberal & sensitive male,creating more natural & loving individuals,families and societies.
When a women can love herself for who she is,all facets of of life routed in her begin to change.
It is the orgasmic experience of bliss that has given the idea in early days of humanity about meditation,about looking for something better,more intense and more vital.
By going beyond conditioned conflicting thoughts,you experience liberation and yet come back home to your deeper self.
If one wishes to see this,one has to go no further than many aboriginal tribal societies and the manifestation of this creativity has well been enshrines in the Ancient Indian Culture,It may be read in the KAMASUTRA  or may be seen in the sculpture of KHAJURAHO Temples.
The exploitation by the so called modern society of the western world has hugely changed the meaning of sexuality.They are after experimenting all types Psychopahtic ways are still tingling with the Physiological aspects.as has recently been reported that women feel two types of orgasm-one at the tip of their clitoris and the other at the bottom of their sexual organ,

Kamasthree (Full Movie)

Sunday 19 January 2014


Indic texts often declare that the four goals of human life are:
3-Karma----pleasure  &
(A)In dharma-sex,the purpose of sexual activity sonly procreation..Their  is no love affair,no desire or attachment.If a man doesn't do his duty to fulfil the need of a women ready for conceiving,he is cursed.We observe this type of physical relation between 'rishis' & their wives.For example 'Kashyap rishi' warns 'Diti',that having an sexual union without the onset of the mensural cycle will result in birth of devils.So was 'Hiranyakashyap' was born.
In another story,'Kardama' is obliged to sleep with 'Devahuti',only for purpose of having a child. 
Eventually 'Kapila Muni' was born.'Vyas Rishi'also goes to the widowed wives of 'Vichitravirya' under dharma sex,on instruction of his mother, and sons with wisdom were born.
(B)In karma-sex,the purpose is only pleasure--nothing else.
Homosexuality also falls in this category.
Karma,the god of desire,is feared as a great warrior who defeats mightiest of sages.He only faced a defeat before Lord Shiva-who is the Fountain-Head of KAMA-SUTRA.
(C)Kama-Sex is seen as a lethal force that can distract the ambition from their goals.Lord Vishnu has used it for over coming  the devils.There are many mythological stories like this in Indic religious books
Artha- sex is transaction,a service offered in exchange of material favours.We see this act every where in our modern as well as historical societies.
(D)Moksha- sex is to break free from the unending cycle of birth & death.Tnatics practice it for Siddhi.In the narratives of Gorakhnath,one often hears references to Yoginis who live in the jungles of Banana grooves,have access to occult power and they will offer this only to them who is capable of having sex with them.
This idea is found in stories of Padmasambhava,who took Buddhism to Himalaya.Tara reveals this to Bodhisattwa & Shakti reveals it to Shiva,as Laxmi reveals it toDatta,the ascetic of Vishnu.