Thursday 24 July 2014


I have discussed in the past about sex and Creativity.I have dwelled upon various aspects and dimensions of this subject.May be I would also have glossed over this subject of the present post.I now want to go deeper into this particular aspect of sex and productivity.
At the age of 75 years indic philosophy recommends that one should retire into 'Sanyas Ashram'.In fact sanyas is nothing but retracing one's step from any kind of acts to create money for self or for near and dears.It is directed towards philanthropy and social service.
Having nearly achieved my 72 years of age,I feel myself ready to enter into a cooling off period during these 3 years left to become eligible.
I have identified three fields to work on.viz;
A-Renewable energy sources.
B-Skill based education with practical training in the schools.
C-Public Sanitation and cleaning.
D-Primary health care.
If all the capable people engage themselves to the bare minimum capability we can create wonders.With ageing population all over the world,we are a country with highest numbers of youth and children.
If they are given proper practical based education,they may beat any country.What the need id=s proper guidance and health care.
I as a seeding program taken 5 acres of land in Bihar from my cousins who have all settled in Australia and their land is being misused or grabbed by local mafia.
A middle school; which my retired principal parents started in my own house in Siwan Distt of Bihar has been reconstructed as concrete building with solar electricity.
We now want to create workshops to train those passing out boys and girls into a gainful profession.We are building such an work shop in the village.
Now realising that without electricity no activity worthwhile could be undertaken,so a 1 megawatt solar electricity generation plant has been envisaged in the village..
Sanitation will be done with the Sulabh Sauhalaya and medical center will advise patients to proper hospitals as well as treat them in the village with freely available drugs etc.
I am not creating any NGO,nor expecting any donation for this project;but those who like to join us as persons dedicated to our social activities are warmly welcome.

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